In einem hohen Raum hängen hunderte kleine Submunitionen an Fäden von der Decke.

Laut Medienberichten haben führende japanische Finanzinstitute ihre Investitionen in die Hersteller von Streumunition beendet und sich entsprechende Richtlinien gegeben. Die Ankündigen sind offenbar eine Folge des im Mai in Japan veröffentlichten Berichts zur weltweiten Finanzierung von Streubomben. (Text auf Englisch)

Quelle: PAX

Four Japanese banks and insurance companies have stopped certain investments in producers making cluster bombs, according to reports today in several Japanese media outlets.

The reports say the financial institutions are responding to public outrage generated by the launch of the PAX report ‘Worldwide Investments in Cluster Munitions’ in Tokyo in May 2017. The study's Hall of Shame showed that these four Japanese financial institutions had major investments in cluster bomb producers. These investments have now reportedly been withdrawn.

A welcome move

“We welcome this humanitarian decision and we hope other Japanese and South Korean financial institutions will also stop their investment in cluster munition producers right now,” said Mr. Toshi Shimizu of the Japanese Campaign to Ban Landmines (JCBL). The JCBL has played a key role in raising awareness among the Japanese public about the catastrophic humanitarian consequences caused by cluster bombs and in the campaign to end all investments in cluster bomb producers by Japanese financial institutions.


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