In einem hohen Raum hängen hunderte kleine Submunitionen an Fäden von der Decke.

In den vielen Ländern dieser Welt erleben Frauen die Minenproblematik häufig ganz anders als Männer oder auch als Kinder. Sei es, weil sie zum Holzsammeln und zu den Brunnen laufen müssen, sei es weil sie durch eine Amputation doppel diskriminiert werden oder sei es, weil ihnen die Arbeit des Minenräumens weniger zugetraut wird.

Quelle: Mines Action Canada

Women play a crucial role in global humanitarian disarmament initiatives. Mines Action Canada (MAC) knows that involving women and girls is key to achieving a more peaceful and sustainable future free of indiscriminate weapons.

In the 20 years since the signing of the Ottawa Treaty, we have seen that it is imperative that all perspectives are incorporated into mine action. We have learned that the elimination of landmines and effective victim assistance programming are impossible goals without the inclusion of women and girls.

Women, men, girls and boys all experience conflict differently and the impact of landmines is engendered. Female survivors experience many different challenges than male survivors do and women and men face differing risks from landmines, cluster munitions and other explosive remnants of war. For these reasons, those working to eliminate these weapons must acknowledge these gender differences and provide services which are accessible for both sexes. MAC, and the humanitarian disarmament campaigns we participate in, are focused on gender equality and mainstreaming gender initiatives into our work at all levels. 

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Lesen Sie hier, wie sich starke Frauen auf gefährlichen Minenfeldern behaupten

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