In einem hohen Raum hängen hunderte kleine Submunitionen an Fäden von der Decke.

Der UN-Sicherheitsrat hat Ende Juni zum ersten Mal in seiner Geschichte eine Resolution verabschiedet, die die Wichtigkeit von Minenaktionen hervorhebt. Die Resolution 2365 fordert alle Staaten auf, den nicht unterscheidenden Einsatz von explosiven Geräten zu stoppen - und sich mehr für die Opfer einzusetzen. 

Quelle: UN News Centre

The United Nations Security Council today adopted its first-ever resolution on mine action, noting the serious and lasting threat posed by landmines, explosive remnants of war and improvised explosive devices, while also recognizing the positive contribution of mine action to sustaining peace and stability.

Resolution 2365 “calls on all parties to armed conflicts to end immediately and definitively any indiscriminate use of explosive devices in violation of international humanitarian law.”

The 15-member body unanimously adopted the resolution, noting the danger that they pose to civilians, including children, as well as refugees returning home, peacekeepers, aid workers, law enforcement, and other personnel.

Given the positive contribution of mine action to efforts to sustain peace and stability, the new resolution stressed “the importance of considering mine action during the earliest stages of planning and programming in peacekeeping operations and special political missions,” as well as in humanitarian responses.

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